Benefits of Smudging with Sage and Palo Santo

Benefits of Smudging with Sage and Palo Santo

Benefits of Smudging with Sage and Palo Santo


Smudging is the practice of burning sage or palo santo to cleanse your home. It's a great way to help ward off negative energy that might be lingering around your space, and it can also help purify you and others who live in the house. Whether you're looking for a simple way to cleanse your home or want something more involved like a full-on ceremony, smudging with these two herbs is well worth trying out!

Smudging is good for housekeeping

One of the greatest benefits of smudging is that it cleanses negative energy from a space. This can be especially beneficial for homes, which often hold emotional baggage for their occupants. By cleansing the air with sacred smoke, you’re inviting positive vibes into your home and keeping away anything harmful or toxic.

Another benefit of smudging is its antibacterial properties. Smoke from sage or palo santo has been used by Native Americans to cleanse and purify spaces—and now we know that these herbs have antibacterial properties as well! The smoke also helps to remove airborne germs, making it ideal for fighting off illness-causing bacteria before they start multiplying in your home (or even better: preventing illness altogether).

Smoke cleansing works on more than just physical levels too—it also purifies your space energetically by releasing negative energy and replacing it with good vibrations. You might notice yourself feeling calmer after doing this ritual; some people even report feeling like their senses are getting sharper after using sage or palo santo smudging rituals to clear out any bad vibes from their homes!

Smudging with sage or palo santo is a great way to cleanse your home.

Smudging with sage or palo santo is a great way to cleanse your home. You can do this in any room of the house, but it's especially helpful to smoke out negative energy from your bedroom. The process is simple:

  • Light a piece of the herb on fire (do not use matches) and hold it until it burns down to ash

  • Wave the smoldering end over your body and around the room, moving clockwise for balance


Smudging with sage or palo santo is a great way to cleanse your home. It can help remove negativity, clear the air and refresh your mind.

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